A laptop with code on its screen

Mayada Saeed

About me

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum finibus tellus ac nisl maximus, quis molestie dui convallis. Suspendisse ultrices erat eget tortor volutpat ullamcorper. Vivamus nec lacus pharetra, faucibus eros vestibulum, imperdiet sapien. Duis vitae consequat lacus. Ut quis orci sit amet ex sagittis lobortis. Praesent mollis id metus et suscipit.

My Work

Weather app screenshot

A weather app with caching functionality and rate-limiting.

Battleship game screenshot

An implementation of the Battleship game.

Calculator app screenshot

A simple on-screen calculator.

Restaurant page screenshot

Inspired by The Three Broomsticks, a fictional restaurant from the Harry Potter universe.

Admin dashboard screenshot

A layout built with HTML and CSS.